Ormskirk Quiz League

A member of the Merseyside Quiz Leagues

Division 1 :- An impressive 24 points from Darren Martin and 12 from John Purslow earned Newburgh Lions a win over Rugby Hounds, for whom Tony Robinson scored 16. Despite 15 points from Bill Gerrard, Turks Head Sinners lost to Colly Wobblers for whom Mike Unsworth scored 17. 17 points from Paul McAteer and 13 from Mike Preston saw Delph Tavern to a victory over Greyhound, for whom Brian Farrimond scored 14 and Ritchie Venner 12.     The results of these matches were unchanged after handicaps were applied.

Division 2:- An excellent 21 points from Janet Crompton saw Scarecrows victorious over Turks Head Saints, for whom Charles Johnson scored 17; the handicap result remained the same.  Ormskirk Theatre Company, for whom Gordon Richards scored 14, had the narrowest of wins over Hayfield Gang; the result was reversed on handicap. 


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