Ormskirk Quiz League

A member of the Merseyside Quiz Leagues

Feeny Cup

Two Ormskirk teams, Greyhound and Robin Hood, chose to enter this MQL competition for teams finishing in the first three places in Division 1 across all the leagues.

Greyhound played in a four-team group, winning their first match against Bishop Eton (Liverpool) 44-39 led by Ritchie Venner with 17. Defeats followed against Wings (S&F) 44-50, with Ritchie Venner scoring 15, and Oxton Cons (Wirral) 35-50. 

Robin Hood played in a three-team group losing to Fisherman's Rest (S&F) 38-42 and Cricketers (Liverpool) 40-56, despite 18 from Paul McAteer.


John Wilson (Greyhound) was in a team that beat the Eggheads winning a share of £13000. They had all four in the final against Pat Gibson winning in sudden death.

Jim Dawber

Jim passed away at the end of last week after a spell in hospital. He played for Bispham Eagles in the early weeks of the season until he had a fall and suffered fractured ribs.

He was regularly amongst the highest scorers in Division Two in recent seasons and was team secretary from 1990 when the team was known as Windmill.

Team secretaries have details of the funeral.

I thought of Jim last night when Clive Gregory, the secretary of Bispham Eagles, won the Pairs Competition.

Presentation Evening and Pairs Competition

We welcomed fifty players and guests, including three MQL officers, President, General Secretary and Treasurer, to Aughton Institute for a different style evening. 
Forty, representing thirteen of our sixteen teams, chose to enter a Pairs Competition. After a first Round of 40 questions answered on paper, six pairs with scores of 35 and higher out of 40 qualified for the semi-final.

They were Alan Gibbs (Unison) and Gareth Flynn (Newburgh Lions), Darren Martin (Unison) and Danny Fearns (Hayfield Gang), Charles Johnson (Unison) and Peter Gateley (formerly Greyhound), John Wilson (Greyhound) and Clive Gregory(Bispham Eagles), Brian Thompson (MQL General Secretary) and Tony Robinson (Rugby Hounds), and Angela Doyle (MQL President) and Clive Walton (Turks Head Saints) who answered in turn and gave spoken answers. 

After 75 questions three pairs  Darren and Danny, Brian and Tony, and John and Clive qualified for the final.

Congratulations to John Wilson and Clive Gregory who won after 33 questions were asked.

Our charity Age Concern (Lancashire) will benefit by £110 from a raffle.

Photographs of all trophy winning teams are available here.


  • Entries (733)
